Graylag Nature Preserve
The mission of Graylag Nature Preserve is to connect people and communities to nature by protecting forested lands and watersheds, preserving open space, and offering educational programs and residencies.
At Graylag, individuals, families, and groups can immerse in the natural world, discovering deeper connections with nature, themselves, and one another. Visitors can come for a week, several days, or a few hours. They can take a break from technology and learn from the natural world that surrounds us.
Graylag Nature Preserve Inc. was established in 2019 as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. We gladly accept charitable donations to support our work. For more about donating to Graylag, click here.
Our founder, Carl Wallman, speaks here about what Graylag meant to him.
We are happy to welcome guests, carry on Carl’s vision, and offer visitors access to the secluded and pristine piece of the sustainable earth that is Graylag!