COVID-19 Policies and Procedures
Graylag is committed to being a safe and healthy retreat where people can relax and connect with nature. To protect our guests and staff from COVID-19, we have instituted the following policies and procedures:
Enhanced Cleaning
During spring, summer, and fall, cabins are empty for at least 24 hours between guests to allow the cabins to air out. During that time, all the windows are open and ceiling fans are on to allow the fresh air to blow through. During the winter, when the cold temperatures may prevent us from leaving the windows open for an extended period, cabins are empty for at least 48 hours between guests.
In addition to our regular cabin cleaning, we also disinfect all high touch surfaces (doorknobs, appliance controls, countertops, bathrooms, etc.) with an EPA-approved disinfectant. All linens – towels, sheets, comforters/duvets – are laundered in hot water. If the weather permits, the comforters are hung outdoors to finish drying in the fresh sunlight.
Social Distance
We are fortunate to have lots of space at Graylag for our guests to spread out, maintaining safe distances from one another. In outdoor areas where staff or guests are in close proximity, six feet of distance are requested.
At check-in, all visitors must answer the following questions:
- Have you been in close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19?
- Are you experiencing a cough, shortness of breath or sore throat?
- Have you had a fever in the last 48 hours?
- Have you had changes in your sense of taste or smell?
If visitors answer yes to any of these questions, we ask that they cancel their visit so they do not put our employees and other guests at risk, but plan their visit for another time when they feel better. Any deposit will be returned.
We continue to monitor the newest science around COVID-19 and the evolving state requirements, and adjust our policies and procedures accordingly. We will keep this space updated as the situation changes.